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2016-04-23 15:12:45

What line of work are you in? retin a cream 0.1 ●●●●●●oin A. Yeah, I don't want to be a mayor who sees it as his job to poke into the ●●●●●●e lives of ●●●●●● who work for the City of New York. I want to know that ●●●●●●e is going to do a good job. I want ●●●●●●e who when he sets out to fix ●●●●●●es, he's doing it. I want ●●●●●●e who ●●●●●●s out why a catch basin is ●●●●●●owing in south east Queens. And when a cop is out ●●●●●●ng a beat in a tough ●●●●●●ct he's doing it to the best of his ●●●●●●y. You can say that I don't like what Weiner did in his ●●●●●●e life. If you think that's ●●●●●●ant to your ●●●●●●ation for mayor then don't vote for me. I get that.